Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Juju Band releases their Boo pattern for Halloween

 Scare yourself silly but keep your baby safe from having colic while you indulge wth this stylish Halloween Juju Band.  Visit  $14.99 each

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Showing Off Your Baby's Name

 Author: Roz Stuzin
A name is baby's most important possession and his monogram is an elegant way of showing off his name without shouting it to the world. Deciding what letters to use for baby's monogram is so easy but people make mistakes because they don't understand that there are THREE types of monograms. Once you know the three monogram choices, you will never get confused again.

1. Three Letter monogram with the initials of the same size

2 .Three Letter monogram with the middle initial larger.

3. Two Letter monogram.
  • The three letter monogram with all of the initials the same size is the easiest. You include the first letter of each of baby's three names( first name, middle name and last name). Even this simple concept can get complicated if the baby has a hyphenated last name. In this case we suggest you eliminate the baby's middle name and use the initial of the first name and the initial of each of the two last names.
  • The three letter monogram with the middle initial larger is very sophisticated and popular ,but you have to be careful and know the correct rules of monogramming. The order of this monogramming is the first letter of baby's first name, the first letter of his last name embroidered larger and the first letter of his middle name. This style of monogramming would never work with a hyphenated last name.
  • Finally, the two letter monogram is usually the baby's first and last name and this monogram requires that the letters be the same size.

Once you have selected the type of monogram; then you can choose the color and the font

1.. We recommend that the color always be contrasting. For example, if you choose a light blanket, then choose a darker embroidery color and if you choose a dark or bright colored blanket then select white or a softer shade of embroidery for the blanket.

2. The font is the type of letter in the embroidery. Script and block are the most popular. If you choose block, you can decide whether you want the letters to be lower case or all upper case.

Baby gifts become keepsakes once they are monogrammed. Almost any baby gift can be monogrammed, but we find that blankets are one of the most popular baby gifts to monogram .There are several choices when it comes to personalizing a baby blanket. One of the important decisions is where to embroider a baby's monogram. None of the choices are wrong; it is a matter of personal preference.

Sometimes the pattern or the texture of the blanket can influence your decision.Most baby blankets can be monogrammed with the baby's three letter monogram or personalized with a name and birth date. The one rule that is almost never broken is that you never add a birth date to a three letter monogram.
Unless a customer makes a special request Namely Newborns usually embroiders the name or monogram at the bottom of the blanket, but there are other places to add embroidery .It is very attractive to add a monogram to the left or right side of the blanket on an angle. Some custom blankets have the name embroidered on the border. Quilts also are usually embroidered on the bottom border unless the customer requests that they be embroidered at the top.

At Namely Newborns we love to add a monogram to stuffed animals and towels. Our favorite place to monogram a stuffed animal is on the ears. Plush bunnies and soft bears, usually have cute ears that look great when they are personalized with initials . A hooded baby towel looks sharp with monograms on the hood or on the side.

Almost any baby gift can be monogrammed. Make sure you know the rules of monogramming and you will always created a perfectly personalized baby gift.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

INDY FAMILY FEST Saturday, October 19, 2013

A fun filled Saturday event created especially for Indianapolis’ families.
The event will feature over one hundred exhibitor booths offering attendees valuable information on the latest and greatest products and services. A variety of family and children activities will take place.
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Indiana State Fairgrounds
Marsh Blue Ribbon Pavilion

Thursday, July 25, 2013

SoCalMoms Beach Workout Series

SuperMom Workout with Christine Kwok of Balanced Strength
Monday, July 29, 2013 - 11:00 AM
Annenberg Community Beach House
415 Pacific Coast Highway
2 Blocks North of the California Incline, on PCH
Santa Monica, CA

SoCalMoms and Balanced Strength are excited to invite you for a 4 week workout series on the beach.
As a new or expectant mom, your body and your time has undergone changes. If you found yourself too busy to get a good workout in, it's even more challenging now. This workout is for you, Supermom! This 40-minute workout is efficient and focuses on helping your post-baby body strong, once again, while giving you a sweat to work off stress and, oh yeah, baby blub. (Expectant moms, this is for you, too. However, you must have consent from your OB to participate.)

Join us for the workout and then stay for a mom meetup. Healthy snacks provided by Credible Cravings.
This workout is baby friendly. Little ones are welcome at the beach. If you feel you need someone dedicated to watching your little one while you workout, you can also add on childcare service for $10 per week. We do need advance notice in order to provide childcare.
You can purchase the childcare option as well as your series ticket online at the link below. If you choose this option, please make sure you purchase childcare at least one week in advance.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

10 Reasons Why Prince William & Kate Middleton Use a Royal Juju Band

Photos Courtesy of & The New York Times
1. The Juju Band protects the navel from diaper rubbing against the cord.

2. Less likelihood of infection.

3. No mess on the royal clothes.

4. No wetness when the royal weenie accidentally sprays during diaper changes.

5. Assurance of a better belly button.

6. Preparedness for colic, should the occasion present itself. Like insurance, only different.

7. No allergies or skin irritation from herbal colic binder inserts.

8. No binding elastic.

9.  Made of breathable material.

10. Because they are royally good parents.

Disclaimer: We only posted this because we were jealous of TMZ-only, I’m NOT a lawyer.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Free Family Fun: Placentia Movies in the Park: The Lion King - July 19, 2013

Outdoor movies are shown on Friday nights during summer months at Placentia Champions Sports Complex. Spectators are encouraged to bring a lawn chair or blanket for comfortable viewing.

The Lion King is rated PG.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Kickee Pants Sample Sale at Kidville Brentwood

Kickee Pants Sample Sale at Kidville Brentwood
Thursday, August 8, 2013
11:00 AM to 2:00 PM
11740 San Vicente #107, Los Angeles, C A
Join us for a fun day of shopping and playtime fun!

Kickee Pants Sample Sale features half off their adorable Spring 2013 Collection!
Cash ONLY please. Kidville gym is open for Club MomMe Playtime at 11 am - 2 pm
CleanBeeBaby will be on hand to clean your strollers and car seats during the event. Make sure to book an appointment on their website!
Kidville is offering $75 off of a Fall class if you sign up by July 13th using the promo code: Save75Now.
Sign up at

Monday, July 8, 2013

Sip, Shop & Barre Event Featuring lululemon athletica


Friday, July 12, 2013

7:00 PM to 9:00 PM

21728 Ventura Blvd, Woodland Hills, CA


Join us at the new Woodland Hills Pure Barre studio for a 45 minute traditional Pure Barre workout from 7pm to 7:45pm led by Marni. Stay for a Sip and Shop from 7:45pm to 9:00pm featuring a lululemon athletica trunk show hosted by the lululemon Calabasas team, healthy appetizers and teas provided by MotherBees, juices, cocktails, goodies and a raffle. Raffle prizes include free barre classes.

Friday, July 5, 2013

FREE EVENT: Celebrate 100 Years Of Family Fun @ The Bubble Show

Bring the whole family to celebrate the Yorba Linda Public Library's 100th birthday with 100 bubbles at the BEST BUBBLE SHOW ever!
Thursday, July 11, 2013 3:00 PM
Yorba Linda Library

18181 Imperial Highway, Yorba Linda, CA
This show will be offered 2 times today. Come to the 3:00 OR 6:30 show.

No Registration, but parking is limited, so arrive early.


Friday, June 28, 2013

El cuidado del ombligo de un recién nacido


Cuando se corta el cordón umbilical, queda un muñón que se ennegrece y se va secando hasta desprenderse a las dos o tres semanas. Para que durante este proceso no se infecte, lo más importante no es curarlo de una forma u otra, sino mantenerlo siempre lo más limpio y seco posible, impidiendo que se ensucie con las heces o la orina.

Para ello:

-Procurar que el pañal no lo cubra, doblando su borde superior hacia abajo si es preciso.

-Al menos dos veces cada día, una de ellas tras el baño, se recomienda curarlo con alcohol de 70º. Para aplicarlo correctamente, hay que levantar el muñón sin estirar, cogiéndolo por la punta para que quede expuesta la zona de transición entre el cordón y la piel normal, que es la que debe quedar mojada. Dejar empapada la gasa con que se le protege con alcohol puede ser irritante para la piel.

-Bastantes especialistas prefieren que durante los primeros días, después del alcohol (o en su lugar) se aplique un antiséptico como la clorhexidina (“mercromina blanca”), aunque también los hay que recomiendan no poner nada.

-Hay acuerdo unánime en que se han de evitar los productos con yodo, porque su absorción podría influir en la función del tiroides, así como cualquier talco o polvo. La mercromina normal (o mercurocromo) tampoco se usa, porque puede hacer que de mayores tengan dermatitis de contacto por alergia al mercurio y, además, su color dificulta la valoración del estado del ombligo.

-Si accidentalmente se ensucia con las heces, debe lavarse sin miedo con agua y jabón, secándolo luego muy escrupulosamente y aplicando el alcohol o el antiséptico que haya indicado el pediatra.

Aunque poco frecuentes, las infecciones del ombligo pueden diseminarse muy rápidamente en el recién nacido, por lo cual hay que consultar con rapidez si se observa pus o secreciones amarillentas y malolientes, o la piel de alrededor del ombligo se enrojece y parece doler al tocarla o manipular en la zona.

Los restos del cordón se desprenden durante la segunda semana de vida, pero también pueden hacerlo antes o tardar hasta un mes; aunque si a los 20 días no se ha caído, es mejor que lo vea el pediatra. En ningún caso se debe estirar para acabar de desprenderlo, por más fino que sea el hilo a que haya quedado reducido, pues se podría ocasionar una peligrosa hemorragia. Es posible que sangre un poco al desprenderse de forma natural, pero en ese caso, la hemorragia se detiene por sí sola inmediatamente.

Tras la caída del cordón, el riesgo de infección persiste hasta que el ombligo no haya cicatrizado completamente, por lo que se debe seguir con los mismoscuidados y vigilancia hasta que la gasa que lo cubre aparezca limpia durante un par de días seguidos. Esto es especialmente importante en los llamados “ombligos amnióticos”, en los que la piel no sobresale sino que quedan hundidos, porque eso hace que estén menos ventilados y sea además más difícil valorar su estado.

Cuando ya ha cicatrizado, el ombligo puede y debe lavarse con total normalidad; si se acumula suciedad en sus repliegues, se han de separar sin miedo para poder limpiarlos y secarlos bien.

Para obtener más información, vaya a las necesidades del bebé Importantes

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Club Momme Picnic and Afternoon at Kidspace Children's Museum Outing

News Courtesy of
Juju Band Baby Colic Band

Friday, June 28, 2013 2:00 PM

480 North Arroyo Boulevard, Pasadena, CA

Join FREE!  Club MomMe day of fun in the sun! We'll start with a picnic in the park and then go inot the museum for fun, science and water play! Please bring a towel, sunscreen, change of clothes for the little one and your strollers! :-) It will be a great day to get together and meet one another and talk about fun events we can do in the future!





Thursday, June 6, 2013

Grand Park Los Angeles Block Party - Free Event

Friday, June 7, 2013

5:00 PM to 10:00 PM

Hill St (between 1st & Temple), Downtown Los Angeles, CA

This is a fun LA Block Party celebrating the diverse heritage of our great city. It's fun for family (so bring your kids), art, good food, music,etc. Starts at 5pm ends at 10pm

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Pasadena Chalk Festival 2013-Free Event


Pasadena Chalk Festival


       Sat Jun 15, 2013 11am – 2pm (PDT)
                       Where:      Paseo Colorado (280 E Colorado Blvd, Pasadena, CA 91101)

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Juju Band @ Bump 2 Baby, June 8, Costa Mesa, CA


Juju Band Will Be At Bump 2 Baby
Free Event!


FREE Event!

FREE Mini Mama Photoshoots!

June 8, 2013 {Saturday}
1:00 – 4:00pm

Granola Babies
at the OC Mix
3315 Hyland Ave, Suite B
Costa Mesa, CA
Map / Directions

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Juju Band Announces The Birth Of Their New Twin Series

The rate of twin births has exploded in the past three decades, experts say, but parents of twins can now ease all of their worries because Juju Band has now released their boys and girls Twin Pack Series. The Juju Band girls twin pack comes  with  one light pink stars and one bright pink hearts Juju Band and the boys twin pack  comes with one the  blue stars and one blue hearts Juju Band . The Juju Band is useful for newborn cord care and can also be used for colic and makes the perfect gift for the expecting mom. Juju Band Twin Pack Price: $24.50


Monday, May 13, 2013

Juju Band Announces The Mother's Day Contest Winner

Congratulations to Erica Wagner of Sherman Oaks, CA ! You are the Winner of the Juju Band Mother's Day Giveaway.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Juju Band Mother's Day Giveaway

Juju Band is Giving Away 1- Boys Love Mommy and Daddy and 1- Girls Love Mommy and Daddy in celebration of Mother’s Day.  Great for soon to be moms and those with colicky babies.

To enter just email your Name and Address to

 Random Drawing will be held on May 12 and the winner will receive notice on May 13.

 Products can be found at:








Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Enter To Win: The Juju Band ‘I Love My Grandma’ Giveaway

Enter the Juju Band ‘I Love Grandma’ Giveaway! To win this great prize simply email us with your name, address and phone number and tell us that you would like to win, to Winners will be drawn at random.

Grandmothers all over the world have used the Juju Band, passing this tradition on through many generations. We bring the Juju Band tradition from our family and pass it on to yours. Enjoy!

Closing date April 1st, 2013. TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. This competition is open to all readers (aged 18 or over) resident in the USA, except employees and associates of Juju Band. 2. No cash alternative to the prize is offered.


 About Juju Band:

The Juju Band is used for 2 different purposes.

 First, it is used on the newborn as a shield to protect the navel from wetness and constant contact of diapers and clothing. This helps reduce the likelihood of irritation and infection in the first weeks until the navel cord falls off.

 Secondly, the Infant band helps to relieve colic and soothe fussy babies. The snug fit calms and comforts even the most finicky infants. Its design is simple and made to accommodate even the busiest of parents! Families from all cultures have discovered the benefits of Juju Band. Juju Band Baby products are made from the highest quality cotton materials in the U.S.A. Sold at For more information visit

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Parenting Instructions For Mom -N- Dad

Kids don't come with an instruction manual, and there's no such thing as a perfect parent. You can read as many books as possible, talk to all the moms on the playground and pay for weekly therapy sessions, and you still might feel like you don't know what you are doing.   However, with the all DOs out there, ever wish you had a breakdown of the DON'Ts? Even if you think you're trying your best, it might not be enough. Take a look at this list of six sure-fire ways to create a ruined child.    

1.Give in - No matter what your children want, they get it. Whether it's the toy in line at the supermarket or the video game console that will cost you a week's pay, giving them everything they ask for is breeding ground for a brat. Many parents believe that denying a child their requests will make them seem like the enemy. However, kids need realistic expectations about how to earn things and the value of money and hard work. Handing over your wallet with every whine or whimper will give the impression that money and materialistic items are more important than emotional and meaningful experiences and that you do not have to earn or work for the things you want. What to do instead: Limit your children to one new toy or purchase a month with a set spending limit. If they want more items or something more expensive, they have to earn it by doing chores or saving their own money.

2.Lack of Discipline - If your child acts up, throws a fit or bullies another child, you do nothing. Lack of discipline in parenting often stems from not wanting to look "mean." Many parents don't know the correct way to discipline a child, so they choose to do nothing instead. This type of ghost parenting can lead to serious problems, like delinquency. Children thrive with boundaries and rules for interactions with others. Without consequences, the line between good and bad can become blurred or even non-existent. What to do instead: Set clear and consistent rules and consequences for your children. If they act out in school or public, take away a privilege such as television or dessert at dinner. Use timeouts for misbehaving at home and explain why the undesired behavior is unacceptable.

3.Always Take Their Side - When a teacher or other adult reports an act of misbehavior, you don't believe them and always side with your child. While we all want to believe our kids are little angels, turning a blind eye to their transgressions or living in denial is not the answer. Some parents have the impression that their children can do no wrong and that authority figures are bullies. It's vital to emphasize the important role of teachers, police and older adults. Make your kids understand that they are not above the rules and that mistakes have repercussions. What to do instead: If your child's teacher or caregiver suggests a certain act of discipline, follow it as long is it is not dangerous or unreasonable. Explain to your kids why it is happening and that you still love them, but need them to do what is asked of them in order to be responsible.

4.Fight in Front of the Kids - Calling your spouse terrible names, getting in screaming matches and threatening him or her in front of your children can have negative physiological effects. Kids who witness this may act out in fear, run away, seek dangerous coping techniques like drugs or alcohol and may think it's acceptable to treat your spouse or other people in this manner. What to do instead: Keep it civil in front of the kids and take arguments into another room or outside. Set up an appointment for your children to speak with a therapist to help get them through a divorce or family problems. Instill in your child that name calling and violence are unacceptable ways to deal with conflict.

5.  Set a Bad Example - Cutting in line, lying, saying curse words and stealing in front of your little ones sets a bad example. Parents are the first teachers for children, and their actions make the biggest impressions. Bad behavior while your children are present can alter the perceptions of what is right and wrong. You're wrong if you think kids aren't paying attention. Children are extremely impressionable and will begin to mimic bad behavior if exposed to it frequently. What to do instead: Resolve to be a model citizen in front of your child. Of course, we all make mistakes, and you should explain to your children why what you did was wrong and what you can do to fix it.

6.Not Being Present - Working late, choosing happy hour over a soccer game or just plain ignoring your kids. Kids need to feel loved and needed and that they are worthy of attention and affection. A child may seek comfort from inappropriate people or suffer from depression if neglected. What to do instead: Even if you've got a packed work schedule or need a break from parenting duties every now and then, aim to have one day or night a week dedicated to them. Watch a movie together or spend an afternoon in the park.
